How many calories in a quart of vodka - How Many Calories

How many calories in a quart of vodka

How many calories?

A quart of vodka
about 2637 Calories

How to calculate a quart of vodka calories?

    quart of vodka nutrition facts

    Approximately 75 percent
    2637 Calories
    Alcohol Content
    40% alcohol by volume

    How to burn a quart of vodka calories

    Walk for approximately 6 hours and 30 minutes at a moderate pace to burn 2637 calories.
    Run for approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes at a moderate pace to burn 2637 calories.
    Cycle for approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes at a moderate pace to burn 2637 calories.
    Swim for approximately 3 hours to burn 2637 calories.